Fosterton Retreat

Accommodation Details

Make space for insights and discovery while cared for in comfort and artistic style in the serenity of Fosterton Retreat, the stunning Barrington Tops National Park as a backdrop. Arrive while the wallabies graze with time for a swim, work out your personal focus for this time then begin the silence with supper under the stars, spend the day in quiet with guided exercises to help you be present, deepening your self-awareness and sense of being at the retreat but also of use in everyday life. Have time for contemplation, a group silent bushwalk and a one-to-one consult with retreat directors Max and Bronwyn Greive to help transfer your insights into everyday life.
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Barbeque - Birdwatching - Carpark - Hiking - Laundry - Non Smoking - NSW - Tourism Hunter - Swimming Pool - Walks