Alexanders picnic area

Bolton Point, NSW, 2283

Experience Details

Locals love this spot, and who could blame them? At the southern end of Awaba Bay Foreshore walk, Alexanders picnic area provides a peaceful and very pretty area for walkers to rest on the trail. Listen to the frogs calling from the nearby swamp, lie on a blanket after lunch, and look for sea eagles or see who can spot a dolphin in the lake. Flower-spotters may see the threatened cycad and the various orchids that flower in winter. Those interested in the history of the area might like to have a look at Hepplewhites Shack. And if you're approaching by boat, why not push your kayak ashore for a while and enjoy some lunch on land?
Getting There
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Bolton Point, NSW, 2283


Disabled access available, contact operator for details. - History & Heritage - Nature & Wildlife - Non Smoking - Picnic Area