Brush Turkey Track

Flood Detour Road, Dewitt, NSW, 2422

Experience Details

Starting right from Woko campground, Brush Turkey track is just as interesting as it is convenient. The loop twists through a sampling of the park’s dry rainforest habitat, with brush turkeys foraging in the undergrowth for grubs and insects, giving the trail its name. Their scratching actually serves an important purpose in the ecosystem, turning over soil and encouraging new growth. Bring binoculars for other species: whipbirds, lyrebirds, grey fantails and scrub wrens are all common in the area, making up a memorable chorus. The trail begins in colonising rainforest, where hibiscus and acacia trees create the shade that then allows for the next stage in flora development. Be sure to take note of how the atmosphere cools as you move into older forest, where a canopy of Port Jackson fig and shatterwood blocks out the sun. The track won’t take you long and is perfect for walking with children. You might like to bring a packed lunch and make a day of it, taking advantage of the free barbecues and picnic tables near the river camping sites.
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Flood Detour Road, Dewitt, NSW, 2422


Hiking - Nature & Wildlife - Walks