Earthcare Park at Tenambit

Metford Road, Tenambit, NSW, 2323

Experience Details

Earthcare Park is located on 50 hectares of Crown land. It is bounded to the west by Metford Road Tenambit and to the east and south lie the Tenambit wetlands. The main vegetation type is spotted gum and ironbark forest with a diverse understory of native shrubs, ground covers and climbers. To date, 136 species of birds are flourishing, some are identified as the Nankeen Night Heron, Eastern Whipbird, Wood Ducks, Chestnut Teal, King Parrots, Rainbow Lorikeet, Galah, Long-Billed Corella, Little Corella, Eastern Rosella and Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo, Brown Goshawk, Australian Magpie, Black Swan, Purple Swamphen, Dollarbird, Magpie Lark, Grey Fantail, Red-Browed Finch, Swamp Harrier, Australian Raven and Starling, Black-Faced Cuckoo-Shrike. Earthcare Park is maintained by a Landcare group, caring for Tenambit Common. The volunteer group members undertake bush regeneration, have regular monthly working bees, conduct field days and engage with the local community about environmental events. Tenambit wetlands is home to freshwater turtles and varied birdlife species. Maitland City Council are working with Conservation group, 1 Million Turtles & TurtleSAT, for sustained turtle populations and habitats.
Getting There
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Metford Road, Tenambit, NSW, 2323


Carpark - Coach Parking - Family Friendly - Picnic Area - Public Toilet