‘Passing On’ Mural at Preschool Lane

Preschool Lane, Maitland, NSW, 2320

Experience Details

Artist Patrick Hunter, also known as InkHunter, is a mural artist specialising in the execution of large-scale murals and installations. This mural, titled ‘Passing On’ was commissioned by Maitland City Council as part of the Maitlanes initiative. Patrick’s passion for environmental issues influenced the piece, which features the native tree and gum leaf, positioned alongside rippling waves, and depictions of a fingerprint and footprint. Patrick stated that the piece is representative of ‘Our impact on the environment, as well as the unique markings we leave behind us as we move through life, and on the people and the places around us. Creating a better environment is not just about protecting the natural environment, it’s also about leaving a positive impression on the people in our lives too.’ Maitlanes is proudly funded by the NSW Government’s Streets as Shared Spaces program.
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Preschool Lane, Maitland, NSW, 2320


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